If you have never published, this is an excellent way to get your first article published. Once you publish your first article, you will want to continue publishing. Publish once and you are "hooked." So nursearegreat encourages all nurses to submit manuscripts for publication. This includes nurses who have never published to nurses who have published extensively. The topic and content must be related to nursing or health care, but could be from any specialty or type of practice. Please follow the author guidelines below for submitting a manuscript for consideration.
Publication Guidelines:
The primary author should submit the original manuscript and two copies to:
Louise Diehl
101 Coventry Drive
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
Phone: 908-213-8808
FAX: 908-213-8898
e-mail: lvwellnesscenter@verizon.net
Manuscripts can be sent in the mail to the above address or emailed to the above email address. We are not responsible for manuscripts that are lost in the postal system. Be sure to mail your manuscript in a trackable manner.
Manuscript submissions for review will be acknowledged within 2 weeks of receipt. All submissions are edited for clarity, style and conciseness. Submissions must include the author's name, telephone number and e-mail address. The material will be peer reviewed by either the editor of nursesaregreat or by another respected authority in the field. The primary author will be notified within 2 months of the receipt of the manuscript whether it will be published. If the authors use any material from a prior copyright publication, the manuscript must be accompanied with a letter of permission to reproduce the material from the copyright holder. Nursesaregreat is not resposible for obtaining this permission.
Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author is responsible for submitting the manuscript on Thumb Drive in Microsoft Word or "text only" file format. All accompanying materials should be labeled to provide appropriate credit to the originator. Include charts, illustrations, and photographs, if applicable. Label and caption them clearly, and note the source if it is not your original work. Graphics or pictures make your manuscript more appealing. If you submit pictures of graphics, be sure that they are in the standard JPG or GIF format. Include a list of references used in developing the manuscript. The references should not be more than 5 years old. Include a list of websites you recommend for further information on the topic. Be sure that the websites are current and applicable to the article.
Please include a cover letter with the author's:
Phone: 908-213-8808
FAX: 908-213-8898
A signed statement that the manuscript is original and no other publisher is considering your article and that you will not send it to another publisher, until you hear from Louise. Include a statement that you transfer all copyright ownership of the manuscript to us.
A brief decription of your professional education and your present employer and position (for each author) or attach a resume.
After the review process, nursesaregreat will determine if changes to the manuscript are needed prior to publication. Minor changes
will be made by our editor. A manuscript that requires major changes will be returned to the primary author for revision.
Any questions regarding author guidelines or a manuscript submitted for publication should be directed to Louise Diehl at lvwellnesscenter@verizon.net or (908)213-8808.
Louise Diehl, RN, MSN, ND, ACNS-BC, NP-C
Nurse Practitioner - Owner
Doctor of Naturopathy
Phone: 908-213-8808
Fax: 908-213-8898
Lehigh Valley Wellness Center
101 Coventry Drive
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865